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    How can digital transformation ease the candidate crisis?

    As our working lives have changed, a candidate crisis has been triggered. The labour market is now as such that the number of available vacancies outweighs the number of potential candidates for the first time in history. Leaders therefore need to process potential candidates faster than ever to avoid losing out on top talent.

    Revolutionising candidate compliance and screening
    Candidate compliance and screening saw initial changes as a result of the pandemic, with all processes being forced to move online. The Home Office shifted from in person Right to Work (RTW) checks to allowing documents to be scanned digitally, in what was initially a temporary measure.

    From 6th April 2022, new legislation regarding RTW checks took effect that allows for screening to be carried out permanently online. This shift will be facilitated by certified digital identity service providers (IDSPs) using Identification Document Validation Technology (IDVT) to carry out digital identity checks on behalf of employers and recruiters.

    The Home Office’s decision to permanently allow online checks demonstrates that hybrid working approaches, facilitated by technology, are here to stay. Digital RTW checks are helping to alleviate the candidate crisis by enabling businesses to access a wider talent pool, onboard candidates more quickly, and avoid losing out on top talent.

    Recruiters can engage with digital identity service providers (IDSPs) to facilitate digital RTW checks. IDSPs allow job applicants (or existing employees) to send digital scanned copies for RTW and Disclosure and Barring (DBS) checks on live British and Irish passports through an app or email, rather than via sight of original documents (although this is still permitted if preferred).

    This new legislation is pushing the digital agenda. However, aside from being able to continue to perform digital RTW checks, there are numerous added advantages of automating screening processes.

    Speed and accuracy are both proven to be enhanced with onboarding times reduced by up to 50%*. Alerts for ongoing document updates keep both the employer and the candidate compliant. Plus, given the prevailing candidate crisis, the rapid validation of documentation and references allows for a smooth candidate experience, in turn reducing the risk of counter job offers.

    Every business will have its own unique requirements, so IDVT can be easily configured to meet these needs, as well as to accommodate the employer branding. Not least, screening software makes the application of any new or changing legislation much easier since the rules will be already set up within the technology.

    With thanks to the HR Director. The full story is here:

    Finding, let alone integrating, a comprehensive identity verification platform can feel daunting for businesses. Businesses want a solution that integrates quickly and seamlessly, while enabling you to utilise the technology effectively. Our experience of the Digital ID Market and our procurement expertise can help you find the right IDSP.Let us guide you through the process and help you choose the best Identity Service Provider for your business using our proven processes.
    Learn more about Digital Identity and the benefits of Digital Right to Work and Rent.

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