Russia-Based Global Cybersecurity Vendor Group-IB Exits the Russian Market

Amid potential concerns by governments, customers, and prospects about ties with the Russian government, the cybersecurity vendor Group-IB continues in its promise to separate itself from Russia.
You can understand how an organization may look at a Russia-based company these days; it’s not the fault of the Russian company, but of the negative posture many feel towards the Russian government. But when it comes to a company that is responsible for your own organization’s cybersecurity stance, matched with a known continual threat of Russian state-based threat actors, it makes sense to become more than concerned.
This is largely why Russia-based cybersecurity vendor, Group-IB has taken great strides to separate itself from its’ Russian ties. According to a recent news release, Group-IB has:
- Ceased using Russian-based employees
- Had its’ CEO sell his stake in the company
- Changed its’ ownership structure
- Moved its’ headquarters to Singapore
- Decided to no longer to business in Russia
This is a bold, but necessary, move. Putting aside personal feelings and looking at the issue of state-based attacks purely through a cybersecurity risk lens, any company with ties to Russia that could possibly be a vehicle by which an organization’s security stance could be compromised – especially one you’d trust to maintain said stance – would pose a significant risk. Group-IB made the right choice here.
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